NAME | Description | Year | Price |
9 Inch Love |
Tet (36" x 9" DOR, Mid) (Cameroon Night x (Primal Scream x Whammer Jammer)) The name says it all on this flower, a huge 9 inch mahogany red with a yellow starburst throat flower graces this plant, showing off its UFO characteristics of pinching and curling. The impact of this huge flower on your garden is unmistakeable. | 2016 | 100 |
Baby Ben |
TET (32" x 6.5" SEV, M) (((Edge of Darkness X New Journey) x Backscratcher) x Aztec Headdress) Baby Ben is my first introduction out of my Spring Heather Line. The arrow heads remind me of the hands on a clock and I thought of Big Ben. But because it was from Heather what better to name it than Baby Ben for her youngest. The dark color and darker purple patterned eye set this off to perfection and the wide form shows off the patterning on the sepals. | 2016 | 125 |
Barbara Jane Catchpole |
| 2016 | 125 |
Bernice Watt |
What a sight to behold this beauty with a base buttery color is overlayed with a rose blush washing over the petals. The diamond dusting sparkles in the light of day surrounded by the thick ruffled edge that is bound in gold.
Named for my maternial grandmother. | 2012 | 60 |
Big Bear Hugs |
Big and tight this intersting shaped double will embrace any place you have for it in your garden setting | 2012 | 60 |
Charlotte Ann Cutler |
| 2016 | 100 |
Cherry Pie In The Sky |
TET 48" Mid Season SEV 6" bloom. This sweet cherry pink beauty with a pink to purple midrib rockets up into the sky and sits proudly above most others. The sweet cherry pink will pull you across the garden to visit it while the sweet taste of cherries melt in your mouth. | 2016 | 100 |
Chiffon Prawn |
From the depths of the ocean comes the Ciffon Prawn with its pinkish peach color. Wrapped around the ciffon prawn is its beautiful scalloped and serated edge. The pink midrib on this flower carries it beauty to the edge. | 2015 | 125 |
Damian Carlton Jewell |
TET 35" Mid Season SemiEvergreen 6"bloom
Velvet purple black color with a gold chartreuse throat. Black veining. Diamond dusted with a white midrib. A truly royal looking plant to honor a loyal life long friend and companion.
Partial sales from the sale of this plant goes to support the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. | 2010 | 40 |
Elfin Love Spell |
Elfin Love Spell casts an enchanting spell over you with its very open form. This form is important in my hybridizing lines to carry the pattern and make it visible on both petals and sepals. Elfin love spell is a light mauve bitone with a slightly darker eye and carries the mystical golden toothy edge. | 2015 | 100 |
Fanning The Sweet Flames |
TET 36" Mid Season Dor 5.5" bloom. The hot dark embers of this flower burn in the throat of this red. While the breeze in the garden fans the flames of the red petals and sepals. The glowing red heat radiates out to a fire white hot edge around the petals and sepals. | 2016 | 100 |
Fire in the Sky |
This daylily soars above the rest with its dark purple red base and black overlay. A slight ruffled edge accentuates its charm as it reaches up towards the sky and sets your skies ablaze | 2012 | 60 |
Italian Sunglasses |
A striking flower by any other name Italian Sunglasses sits tall above a lot of other daylilies with its dark red to mahogany base and sporting a near black chevron eye hovering above a brilliant yellow to green throat. | 2012 | 75 |
Man's Best Friend |
TET 28" Mid Season SemiEvergreen 6.5" bloom. Instant rebloomer. Creamy peach base with a purple eyezone broken by a white starburst midrib and a dark purple/black ruffled edge. In hot weather Man's Best Friend shows its knobs and teeth more pronounced than normal. Extended bloom season. $50 dollars from the sale of each plant go to support the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes | 2011 | 50 |
Misha's Purple Elephant |
This mauve beauty casts a warm glow over the garden with it's chalky purple grey eye zone with a pencil red outline above a green throat, through its breading it brings ahead the slightly ruffled black purple edge. | 2012 | 60 |
Orange is The New Black |
This daylily is the first introduction of one of my daylilies that are pushing towards the color black, the flower is a black cherry red with a black eye above an intense orange throat. | 2015 | 100 |
Outta Town Judy Brown |
This beauty is named for a dear friend who receintly passed away. She had been long promised her own daylily. It's pale pink with a purple eye and purple diamond dusted ruffled edge is an artistic tribute to a creative and special lady. - 08040 | 2015 | 125 |
Sarah Ste. Claire Young |
This rose purple flower with a yellow to green throat displays its dark purple band broken by the white midrib. The outer edge of the flower is heavily ruffled in dark purple, fading to white, then a diamond dusted gold. | 2013 | 90 |
Spring Heather |
Selected and named by a dear friend of mine before her passing, Spring Heather is a powerhouse of patterned breeding potential, the heather purple colored background is matched up with a eye zone that blends outward from a faint purple to a dark purple black eye. The children that she throws show ripples, rings and arrows and is an amazing foundation plant in patterned lines for me | 2014 | 150 |
Sweet Puppy Kisses |
DIP 40" Mid Season Dormant 5" bloom. Butter Yellow double flowers that bounce and dance in the breeze like puppys jumping around playing. Fast increaser to form clumps.
$40 from the sale of each plant goes to benefit Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. | 2011 | 25 |
The Lorax |
The Gardian of the forest will protect your daylilies as well. Its striking orange to melon color depending on its environment is offset by a striking purple triangular starburst eye and a fine matching edge that will catch your attention every time. | 2014 | 125 |
There's Something About Lucy |
The long promised introduction named for one of my best four legged pals Lucy. Lucy shows her love for life in this brilliant flamingo pink flower with a slight watermark (or spot as she would call it), the flower is surrounded by a slight gold toothy edge above a yellow to green throat. | 2014 | 100 |
Unconditional Hugs |
Warm and inviting in any garden setting the beautiful double will wrap you in its warm unconditional hug with its melon colour and a slightly ruffled edge, no conditions its all unconditional | 2012 | 60 |
Ursa Major |
From the heavens above come Ursa Major, A near star white to cream form the base for the twinkle of a faint starburst plum eye that radiates above a yellow to green throat and framed with a purple and gold edge. Great for breeding patterned eyes. | 2014 | 100 |
Vicious Pink |
TET 28" Mid Season Dormant 5.5" bloom. (Strawberry Candy x David Kirchhoff) Hands back and don't lean in to stiff at this one. A dark almost electric pink with a darker rose eyezone is accented with a thin golden toothy edge. It is truly eye catching in the garden and stands out with its brilliant coloring | 2013 | 75 |
Vulcan Mind Meld |
Dark mind bending clean purle with a purple black eye and a slightly ruffled purple back edge, Vulcan Mind Meld will draw you in and open your mind with its hypnotic beauty. | 2015 | 100 |
Wings of Uriel |
Uriel meaning "God is my light" is one the the archangels. This plant makes a powerful statement in any garden with its near white self color and the golden ruffled edge that surrounds the wings of this beauty. | 2015 | 100 |