On Russell Daylily Catalog
A cream-yellow with a large black-red eye zone above a green throat. Ext.; Sev.; 3-4 way branching; bud count 20+. Reg. 2008; (DELTA DRAGON X LORD TRICKSTER) DRACO is certainly a daylily that will get your attention if not just for its very large perfectly opening flowers. A novelty too, for it comes close to being classed as a UF with quilled sepals. Many times this quilling on the sepals will be on all the sepals and sometimes only on a couple of them. However this quilling is always reliably on all flowers. As a select seedling DRACO stood out with its many very large, different formed flowers. It has not disappointed us over the last number of years being one of our most consistent performers. Another trait that I find very acceptable is that it doesn't have an overabundance of foliage that distracts from the flowers. With its height of scape and very large flower DRACO shows off exceptionally well in the garden. Fertile both ways.